Archives for posts with tag: operation: wedding slim down

Brought to you by Irrational Irritation to remind myself that not EVERYTHING is fucking annoying:

  • It’s Friday
  • I picked up my bridesmaid dress. The color is lovely and looks great against my skin and with my newly dark hair. I need to get it taken in because I’m a tiny bit smaller than when I bought it mid-February
  • The ridiculously hot shoes I’m going to buy for the wedding: black close toed platform stilettos. I just need to find the perfect pair.
  • It’s Friday
  • Bourbon
  • Sherlock Holmes (and possibly Terminator)
  • One of our crew members calling me Amy [His Last Name]. I love our guys.
  • Quiet day in the office (that could be due to my phone not working)
  • Going home in two weeks
  • My car passed emissions
  • Getting a bunch of overdue errands finished yesterday
  • Spinach & Goat Cheese frozen pizza from Target
  • My new camera should be waiting for me when I get home! (Unfortunately, I was a dumbass & didn’t order a memory card. GRR)
  • Knowing there’s a new tattoo in my soonish future; once I get a solid one, I don’t sit on tattoo ideas very long
  • 30% off Urban (Imma get me this (in Binge/Bourbon), this (in Stereophonic), and this (in Flipside). I also kind of want eyeshadow; my momma says the colors are awesome & intense.
  • Today, I want:

  • a motorcycle (a really awesome sexay one with the VROOM VROOM and leather and chrome and GUH)
  • a new tattoo, but I don’t know what I would get where. I’m happy to take suggestions, though
  • to go dancing. I was listening to Gaga earlier on the BART, and bitch makes me wanna MOVE. I need to find me an awesome group of people and a club (of the non douchey variety, please) to get my freak on.
  • a hair cut
  • new jeans that fit really well

    This weekend was fun, but I didn’t do a damn thing I needed to, which means I really need to buckle down the rest of this week before flying out to Pittsburgh. I have a LOT on my plate: school, jeans shopping, car stuff, packing, exercise, retrieving some books I lent to a friend, and I might want to hang out with this feller I’ve been seeing. Maybe.

    Tomorrow after work, I’m (hopefully! barring being at work late) hitting the gym for yoga, and then I’m gonna come home to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I’ve started reading the Shredheads blog, and that, combined with Mariam’s desire to run a 5k race, have convinced me that it’s Mother Fucking Go Time.

    I tend to have a difficult time exercising/getting into shape because I’m okay with the way I look. I like my body, and while I would like to be more FIT, I’m not super concerned about shedding pounds (though dropping some weight would be nice and probably make my boobs more manageable). And also, I really like food.

    But this time FOR REALLY REALS I’M TOTALLY SERIOUS ABOUT, REALLY I’m going to make a serious effort to get more fit. The plan is this: yoga at least once a week (twice would be better, but might be difficult to do), Couch to 5K 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), and 30 Day Shred every day for the next 30 days (or as many as I can; traveling days this weekend might be a loss, but I’ll make them up).

    I’m going to try to post everyday with, at the VERY least, a comment that I completed my daily workout, but I’m totally going to need help with accountability. Someone needs to kick my butt if I start slacking! Because this is IMPORTANT. For my health and longevity and waist. I’m probably going to need reminders that even though my body maintains a pretty steady weight I’m happy with, someday soon my metabolism is gonna slow down, and I could quickly end up at a weight I am NOT happy with. And also, that I have two pairs of Gap jeans in a size 10 that I’ve never been able to wear because they fit that ONE DAY when I bought them and then NEVER AGAIN, and I would really like to be able to get some use out of them.

    Wish me luck.

  • I have decided I am going to make ONE SMALL change in my weight loss regiment (right now? it consists of only drinking ONE bottle of wine on the weekend) to start getting back on track. 5 servings of fruits and veggies EVERY DAY. Which is … a lot. But it’s not that much! Only 2.5 cups! Easy! Except we’re getting to the time of year where my preferred fruits (grapes, berries, peaches (OH ILU PEACHES), cherries) are going out of season and either unavailable at the grocery store or redonkulously expense (and not that tasty). So I am going to have to challenge myself to get in all the servings I need, which will involve canned fruits (light!), possibly frozen fruit, and citrus. Now, I love oranges. They are delicious. They are a pain in the ass to eat, and I am inherently lazy (which also explains why I don’t cook much), so I usually go for fruit with easier access. No more! I am just going to have to suck it up. The nice thing about these fruits/veggies is that my belly won’t have a whole lot of room for other foods.

    I am also focusing on drinking enough water every day. I know I haven’t been and it is no bueno.

    Hopefully, once this semester is over (I HAVE to have everything in by tomorrow), I can start exercising again regularly. That’ll be good.